“The Joy of drawing”


I have always been a drawing enthusiast. Visual communication always came naturally to me, and I still prefer this over verbal or written notations. During my architectural education, I came to learn drawing as the language of the designer, and the freehand sketch as their way of expressing themselves.


Since nearly everyone these days is running around with a camera in their pocket, some might just take a quick photo while visiting a site. But a camera cannot record concepts, underlying structure, schematic organization, or anything else that the eye cannot take in all at once. In my opinion, cameras obstruct true observation and experience, creating a physical and mental barrier between the observer and the view. You can take a photo with a click of a button. However, when taking visual notes, you are forced to look closely, analyze, and look multiple times.

No matter how abstract or surreal my drawings sometimes are; for me they always hold not only sentimental, but material value. Once I draw a building, it has personal meaning and value, and I learn to appreciate it in a new way. While sketching, I go on a journey of discovery, escaping into another world that, interestingly, is not surreal at all. This escape from the mundane of present allows not only my skill, but appreciation of the art to constantly evolve.


I have always enjoyed sharing my sketches with those around me. I find it very meaningful to be able to share my passion and my work. This eventually led me to design a calendar that was filled with 12 of my sketches. A little project which started out just for friends and family, has turned into an annual occurrence, including postcards, brochures, and postures. It is incredible to see what can happen, if you only follow your passion and are open to sharing it with others. I am very fortunate to have found a passion for sketching, and I hope to be able to share this with you, should our paths cross. 



Architekturbüro M. Arch. Filip Fichtel
Sendlinger Str. 29
80331 München

mail.: info@filipfichtel.com



Architekturbüro M. Arch. Filip Fichtel
Altstadt 195
84028 Landshut

mail.: info@filipfichtel.com